Monday, September 7, 2009

Touched deep in my soul


Soooo, i wasted the whole day lazing on the couch for almost half a day
Anddd i didnt get my ass off until i got really hungry
Plusss i over napped and did not go over to x's house
hahaha bum,look what i've evolved into, a potato couch

I've got shit load of drawing undone :(
But! on the bright side, i'm meeting x & b tmrw
yay, i sniff shopping!
and i'm getting two rolls of film developed,
one from the underwater cam & another from EOS 888
i'm so excited! esp for the underwater shots from the chalet last week

Ohoh, i really feel like getting my hair done! with colour 
its been a year already, i wanna get some colour done
what colour should i get? can't wait to choose ^^V

Oh yeah
It was such an heartache to see you cry for someone
I almost teared
but grams would be fine (:
cheer up 
I love you dad!

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