Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Counting down 3 mths to Tokyo!!!

Her last words still hanging in the air




Ring ring, harow how's your week
I've not been blogging for a few days now, and i have multi multi multiples of stuff i have not blogged about
Esp my birthday week, hella good time
Can't wait for the holidays, where's my holidayzzz?
Oh god, i've got so much work in school now
I miss having fun, i miss my frwens :(
Lucky someone invented photobooth and tap tap revenge
Very smart way to kill boredom, kill kill kill!
Friday's the day, i cant wait to fast forward to friday
Gotta hang in there fatty!
Awright tmrw's wed, school would be better ( i wish )
Tmrw is mich's b'day, happy bday babe!
We're going to the flyerrrrayeee

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Don't you,love?


Je táime
I feel super loved this period of time
i've got everything in my hands now
I've got everything i've ever wanted
Very perked up now!

Oh skin and bones baby














Yesterday i met branda and latz aft class, i wanna shopppp till i droppp
I miss bangkok :(
anyways i made a trip down to triple D, and got two rolls developed
my first attempt for using the underwater camera was fun
and the photos are so funny
can't wait to go swimming with the camera again
here goes!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Touched deep in my soul


Soooo, i wasted the whole day lazing on the couch for almost half a day
Anddd i didnt get my ass off until i got really hungry
Plusss i over napped and did not go over to x's house
hahaha bum,look what i've evolved into, a potato couch

I've got shit load of drawing undone :(
But! on the bright side, i'm meeting x & b tmrw
yay, i sniff shopping!
and i'm getting two rolls of film developed,
one from the underwater cam & another from EOS 888
i'm so excited! esp for the underwater shots from the chalet last week

Ohoh, i really feel like getting my hair done! with colour 
its been a year already, i wanna get some colour done
what colour should i get? can't wait to choose ^^V

Oh yeah
It was such an heartache to see you cry for someone
I almost teared
but grams would be fine (:
cheer up 
I love you dad!

Breathe for love tomorrow


harow! who's your monday doing, class was quite a bore tday
lucky the next week days are filled with breaks in between
and guess what, there's no class tmrw!
i think this week's gonna be fun
yayy, i can't wait to meet those sweethearts soon & i wanana shoppping
awright, am feeling sleepy right now
sure sink into my beddd now, nite!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Yeah a denial












Uhh, i tired so damn hard just to get this post up
Guess blogger's not really fixed, such a pain in the asss
Anyhows, i've not blogged in a week, had so much fun thou
This b'day week has been awesome, including a chalet and some meetups
I had 4 cakes for my b'day this time round, how can i not feel any happier?
I guess there's almost 500+ photos taken this few days, will post them up soon!

Awright, tday we went to faythe's bday partyyy, b'day parties are always fun ( when you're a kid)
Cookie decoration, hmm sounds fun
With gummies and coloured icing, who can resist those cookies
Sunday passed pretty quickly tday, tmrw's monday
Which meanssss i've got to crawl out of bed and shower when its so cold

Dread school, c'mon holidays come to mama now
I cant freaking wait for hols to come!
Whats worst, the canteen's closed tmrw, yknow i cant live without food
Bother, my sketches are only 30% done
Wish me all luck, but least i've got some leftover cheesecake from yesterday from ryan
And sims 3's coming to me tmrw baby!