Friday, August 28, 2009

Staring at the sunshine in my face

Early lessons in the morning are wearing me out, i'm so tired i can just sleep any corner now
My eyes are about to shut, and the amount of sketches to be done is adding on to the weight
Oh god i need a breakkk, of which the chalet is on sunday
Yayyy, can't wait
Hitting 19 in a couple on minutes, gotta enjoy the last few of being a 18 year old
I've got such awesome friends,i can't wait to spend my b'day with them
But i feel like sinkinggggg into my bed & get stuffed up with my pillows right now
Gonna be a happy one this year!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

You shook me all night long

I've got such clumsy fingers 
Hell clumsy, i just deleted my favorite photo my sis took for me eariler in the day
The effect was so nice! ):
Weird thursday, so cold and windy, even my toes are freezing

On a lighter note, dad says we're going to tokyo!
Tokyo = shop & food & shop & more shopping! ^^
Not really getting excited yet, but i guess this trip's gonna be good cuz i haven't been travelling
And i hate to get stuck in this island, plus the previous taiwan trip was cancelled
Ohoh! and Baybeats is here starting tmrw!
And my b'days almost knocking on my door anytime,eeks.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dressed up like a car crash

Hwello! I'm still so happy that i'm able to blog again,cheers man.
I know im posting a few at a go, but some are from the past few days
But blogging's distracting me now, i've got 12 sketches to do before friday
and i know tmrw i'm gonna sleep in, where got time to do work!
Anyways, tday's lessons were super dry
if not becuz of the yellow cat and friends, i would be in dreamland anytime
Met zubs, reuben, branda & a few tday for lunch
Had a nice talk with zubs & reuben ^^
Everything's gng well now, fingers crossed
I should catch some sleep now, nite!
I've been doing well
But you left me hanging, on a thread
I don't understand how i can wake, with my hair pressed against my face
I hate to think of you as i lay, as my dreams run wild
But it felt so real, almost true
Yes, like how you've always been my pillar of strength, you felt so good to lean on
Until the trust isn't there anymore, until something i held so dear
Left me, without a trace
This two years, I've miss you, i really do
Your eyes, the only beautiful pair i've seen so far
I'm still wishing for a chance, but everyone knows
Everyone knows, nothing's gonna change in this moment of time
But please, when the clock strikes 12 on 29th aug
I don't wish to be disappointed, yet again.

I love Mew?

Mew loves photobooth too
Shes a flurry plush toy
Yummy yummy
i love yew mew!

Rusty Stars Riot Now

Yeah, blogger did piss the living shit out of me & i haven't been blogging for almost a month
Missed out so much, and i waited so long
But today Y helped me fixed it, and i just created a new account anyway
So i guess i'll stick to this cuz i like being a lazy bum 